If you can't find the answer to your question below then please contact us
- Are the sessions on a time frame?
- Can more than one person use the same Program?
- How do I update my contact details?
- How do I view the results of my assessment?
- I am getting headaches. Are the exercises causing them?
- I have forgotten my password
- I have noticed a negative change in my behavior/balance/emotions.
- When will I start to see improvements?
- How do I delete my CereMind account?
- How often can I complete a CereMind assessment?
- How will I know if I'm improving?
- I have not had a response from Support
- I dont understand the Badges functionality in the app?
- I dont understand the Goal Setting section in the app?
- What is EMDR?
- What should I do if I have a problem and need to talk to someone about my Self-EMDR?
- When can I start my Self-EMDR reset sessions?
- How often can I complete a Self-EMDR reset session?
- Why do I have to complete 10 days of exercises before I can do a Self-EMDR reset session?
- How does EMDR work?
- What conditions can EMDR help?